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St. Mary’s International College Information Request Form

Thank you for your interest in St. Mary’s International College! We appreciate your curiosity about our institution. To facilitate a seamless exchange of information, we kindly ask you to complete the following form. This will enable us to provide you with comprehensive details about our school, insights into the admission process, and keep you informed about upcoming events tailored for prospective families. We look forward to assisting you on your journey to becoming a part of the vibrant community at St. Mary’s College.

Step 1 of 3

Your Student's Information

Your Student's Name(Required)
Class of Interest
1st Cycle

Class of Interest
2nd Cycle

Entering Year(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
How Can We Help You Today?(Required)
I would like to

Get in Touch 

St. Mary’s International College & University Institute Mudeka, Tiko, Fako Division South West Region, Cameroon

+237 682-81-00-34
+237 682-81-01-80

If you did not receive an email confirmation from us upto 24/48 hours after submitting an inquiry, please email for assistance